Saturday, September 14, 2019

Schande! Deutschland( Firma Telekom) legalisiert die Ethnische Säuberung und Besetzung Zyperns von der Türkei!

Schande!  Deutschland( Firma Telekom) legalisiert die Ethnische Säuberung und Besetzung Zyperns von der Türkei!

Quelle t-online

Vorfall auf Militärbasis
Explosionen auf Zypern – Hotel in der Nähe evakuiert

13.09.2019, 09:23 Uhr | AFP

Schwere Schäden: Auf einem Militärgelände auf Zypern hat es heftige Explosionen gegeben. (Quelle: Reuters)
In der Nacht zu Freitag haben mehrere Explosionen in einem türkischen Waffenlager eine Urlaubsregion in Nordzypern erschüttert. Zwölf Menschen wurden verletzt.

Bei einer nächtlichen Explosionsserie auf einer türkischen Militärbasis in Nordzypern sind zwölf Menschen verletzt und ein nahe gelegenes Strandhotel beschädigt worden. Wie die Behörden mitteilten, ereigneten sich in der Nacht zum Donnerstag innerhalb von drei Stunden mehrere Explosionen in einem Waffenlager des Stützpunktes westlich des Küstenorts Kyrenia.
Die Explosionen lösten einen Brand aus. Fenster des Hotels "Acapulco" wurden den Angaben zufolge zerstört und Decken stürzten ein. Verängstigte Touristen seien von Einsatzkräften in Sicherheit gebracht worden, hieß es weiter. Die Ursache der Explosionsserie war zunächst unklar, es wurden Ermittlungen eingeleitet.

Zypern ist seit einem von der damaligen Militärjunta in Griechenland unterstützten Putsch und einer anschließenden türkischen Militärintervention im Jahr 1974 geteilt. Die 1983 ausgerufene Türkische Republik Nordzypern wird nur von Ankara anerkannt. Die Schutzmacht Türkei ist dort weiterhin militärisch präsent.
Verwendete Quellen:
  • Nachrichtenagentur AFP


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reichenbach Baden-Württemberg, Friedhof ermoderter Zwangsarbeiter-Sklaven, Frauen, Kinder, Säuglinge von Sowjetunion in unverschämtem Zustand, keine Anzeige oder Gedenktafel

Das Friedhof befindet sich verstäkt an der Filsstrasse in Reichenbach sehr nah zu Industriegebiet. 48°42'31.5"N 9°28'50.3"E 48.708758, 9.480636

Grabstätte für 26 ermordete  sowjetische Zwangsarbeiter, darunter auch Frauen,Kinder und Säuglingen . Opfer aus dem "Russenlager" Filsstraße (1600 Zwangsarbeiter aus Sowjetunion). Opfer des deutschen Imperialismus Opfer der barbarischen deutschen Ostpolitik

Es gibt nicht eine einzige Anzeige oder Gedenktafel vor Ort, dass es um ein Friedhof ermoderter Sklaven, Kinder und Säuglinge von Sowjetunion in Reichbach geht. Keine Info!  Der Zustand des Friedhofs ist auch richtig unverschämt.
Es gibt sogar Graben von Säuglingen ermordert durch die deutschen.  Die exteminierten Sowjetunionbürger haben als Sklaven in der Bahn gearbeitet.

Das ist echt eine Schande, wie das Friedhof gar nicht gepflegt wird und informationslos ist. Stattdessen gibt es ohne Ende Informationen und schöne Blumen vor jedem Denkmal für die sogenannten " Vertriebenen", die nix anderes als phanatische verbrecherische NSDAP Anhänger und Nachfolger der Exterminierung der Westslawen und neue Siedler slawischen Ländern sind. Stattdessen hört man ständig in Deutschland, wie grausam die "Gefangenschaft in Russland" war. Gab es aber in Sowejtunion ein einzigen Friedhof ermoderter Zwangsarbeiter-Sklaven, Frauen, Kinder, Säuglinge von Deutschland? Nein natürlich nicht. Es gab keine Zwangsarbeit von Zivilisten Frauen und Kinder, keine systematische Ermordung von Säuglingen und keine Russifizierung! Und das ist der Punkt.

Deutschland schämt dich, Reichenbach schämt dich, baden wurttemberg schämt dich!

Nie wieder Krieg, nie wieder Polenlager, nie wieder Russenlagernie wieder Operation Barbarossa, nie wieder Auschwitz, nie wieder Maidanek, nie wieder NATO-Angriff auf Jugoslawien, nie wieder Dombass-Krieg, nie wieder finanzieller Krieg in Griechenland-Zypern, nie wieder Angriff in Lybien, .................,-russenfriedhof-ohne-gedenktafel-_arid,1241824.html,-gedenkstaette-fuer-zwangsarbeiter-auf-dem-friedhof-_arid,2041446.html

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Ursula von der Leyen: Opening Statement in the European Parliament Plenary . Es lebe Europa, vive l’Europe, long live Europe. no comment

Opening Statementin the European Parliament Plenary SessionAs deliveredUrsula von der LeyenCandidate for President of the European CommissionStrasbourg16 July 2019

Ich bin Europäerin gewesen, bevor ich später gelernt habe, dass ich Deutsche bin und Niedersächsin. Und deshalb gibt es für mich nur eines: Europa einen und stärken.

Europas Versprechen Herr Präsident, Mein Vater war 15 Jahre alt, als der schaurige Krieg, durch den mein Land Tod, Verwüstung, Vertreibung und Zerstörung über unseren Kontinent gebracht hat, endete.

The cornerstone of our collective defence will always be NATO. We will stay transatlantic but we have to become more European.

A responsible leader in the world Honourable Members, As a Defence Minister, I have been many times in this war-torn neighbourhood. I will never forget the words of former President of Iraq Masoum, who said: We want to see more Europe here. The world is calling for more Europe. The world needs more Europe. I believe Europe should have a stronger and more united voice in the world – and it needs to act fast. That is why we must have the courage to take foreign policy decisions by qualified majority. And to stand united behind them. The cornerstone of our collective defence will always be NATO. We will stay transatlantic and we have to become more European. This is why we created the European Defence Union. Our work for our European Union of security and defence is embedded in comprehensive security. Stabilisation always comes with diplomacy, reconciliation and reconstruction. Our servicemen and servicewomen work side by side with police officers, diplomats and development aid workers. These men and women deserve our utmost respect and recognition for their tireless service for Europe.

I would like to tell you a story about perspective. Four years ago, I was lucky enough to welcome a 19-year old refugee from Syria into my home and my family. He spoke no German and was deeply scarred by his experience of civil war and flight. Today, 4 years later, he is fluent in German, English and Arabic. He is a community leader by day, in vocational training and a student for his high school degree by night. He is an inspiration for us all. One day, he wants to go home

Defending Europe’s values Honourable Members, The cradle of our European civilisation is Greek philosophy and Roman Law. And our European continent went through its darkest period when we were ruled by dictators and Rule of Law was banished. For centuries, Europeans fought so hard for their liberty and independence. The Rule of Law is our best tool to defend these freedoms and to protect the most vulnerable in our Union. This is why there can be no compromise when it comes to respecting the Rule of Law. There never will be. I will ensure that we use our full and comprehensive toolbox at European level. In addition, I fully support an EU-wide Rule of Law Mechanism. To be clear: the new instrument is not an alternative to the existing instruments, but an additional one. The Commission will always be an independent guardian of the Treaties. Lady Justice is blind – she will defend the Rule of Law wherever it is attacked. *** Honourable Members, The Rule of Law is universal. It applies to all. In the last five years, more than 17,000 people have drowned in the Mediterranean, which has become one of the deadliest borders in the world. At sea there is the duty to save lives and in our Treaties and conventions there is the legal and moral duty to respect the dignity of every human being. The European Union can and must defend these values. The European Union needs humane borders. We must save, but saving alone is not enough. We must reduce irregular migration, we must fight smugglers and traffickers – it is organised crime –, we must preserve the right to asylum and improve the situation of refugees, for example through humanitarian corridors in close cooperation with the UNHCR. We need empathy and decisive action. I am aware of how difficult and divisive discussions on this issue are. We need to address the legitimate concerns of many and look at how we can overcome our differences. I will propose a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, including the relaunch of the Dublin reform. This will allow us to return to a fully functioning Schengen Area of free movement, the key driver of our prosperity, security and freedoms. A centrepiece in this ambition is a reinforced European Border and Coast Guard Agency. We need to reach a standing corps of 10,000 Frontex border guards not by 2027, but way earlier, at least by 2024. We have to modernise our asylum system. A Common European Asylum System must be exactly that – common. We can only have stable external borders if we Ursula von der Leyen – Candidate for the European Commission President 8 The cornerstone of our collective defence will always be NATO. We will stay transatlantic but we have to become more European. give enough help to Member States facing the most pressure because of where they are on the map. We need solidarity. We all need to help each other and contribute. We need a new way of burden-sharing. And we must make fair cooperation offers to countries of origin and transit which are in the interests of both sides. Diplomacy, economic development, investment, stability and security are needed so that people have a perspective. I would like to tell you a story about perspective. Four years ago, I was lucky enough to welcome a 19-year old refugee from Syria into my home and my family. He spoke no German and was deeply scarred by his experience of civil war and flight. Today, 4 years later, he is fluent in German, English and Arabic. He is a community leader by day, in vocational training and a student for his high school degree by night. He is an inspiration for us all. One day, he wants to go home.

A new push for European democracy Honourable Members, When I came to Strasbourg 13 days ago, I promised I’d come to listen. I have heard your concerns, your hopes and your expectations. The Political Guidelines which I will send you today reflect our discussions. From what I have heard, I have drawn my conclusions and I have made my decisions. First, I want European citizens to play a leading and active part in building the future of our Union. I want them to have their say at a Conference on the Future of Europe, to start in 2020 and run for two years. Second, I want us to work together to improve the Spitzenkandidaten system. We need to make it more visible to the wider electorate and we need to address the issue of transnational lists at the European elections as a complementary tool of European democracy. And third – yes, I support a right of initiative for the European Parliament. When this House, acting by majority of its Members, adopts Resolutions requesting the Commission to submit legislative proposals, I commit to responding with a legislative act in full respect of the proportionality, subsidiarity, and better law-making principles. I am convinced that our stronger partnership will further help to make people’s voices heard.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

80 years after second World War caused by the german Imperialism. Never forget the huge German Crimes in Poland

Today 80 years after second world war all most everebody in Germany still believes that Gdańsk and all the West Poland and Kaliningrad and Czechia belong to Germany. Yes that is the truth , the German imperialism still exists and is the official state policy  despite the History and the mass murdere People of Poland Soviet Union and  Czechoslovakia. 

Never again Auswitz never again Maidanek never again Generplanost never again Polenlage and Russenlage never again Nato bombing of Yugoslavia never again financial war in Greece never again war in Ukraine.

Death to Fascism and Germanism. Freedom for the People

Commissioned in 1979 in the People's Republic of Poland by the Polish Communications Ministry and the Council for the Protection of Monuments of Battle and Martyrdom, and unveiled on September 1 of the same year, the stainless steel Defenders of the Polish Post Monument was designed by the Kraków-based sculptor Wincenty Kućma. A wonderful example of Socialist Art and a fitting tribute to the heroes who put up such a brave struggle next door, the monument represents a dying Polish post employee who is being handed a rifle by Nike.

The Defence of the Polish Post Office in Gdańsk was the first heroic act of World War II.
On September 1, 1939, Polish personnel defended the building for some 15 hours against assaults by the SS Heimwehr Danzig (SS Danzig Home Defense), local SA formations and special units of Danzig police. All but four of the defenders, who were able to escape from the building during the surrender, were sentenced to death by a German court martial as illegal combatants on October 5, 1939 and executed.

In the Polish Post Office complex on 1 September 1939 there were 56 people: Guderski, 42 local Polish employees, ten employees from Gdynia and Bydgoszcz, and the building keeper with his wife and ten-year-old daughter who lived in the complex.
The German attack plan, devised in July 1939, determined that the main building and its defenders would be stormed from two directions.
At 04:00 the Germans cut the phone and electricity lines to the building. At 04:45, just as the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein started shelling the nearby Polish Army military outpost at Westerplatte, the Danzig police began their assault on the building under the command of Polizeioberst Willi Bethke. They were soon reinforced by local SA formations and the SS units SS Wachsturmbann "E" and SS Heimwehr Danzig, supported by three police ADGZ heavy armoured cars. Albert Forster, head of the local Nazi party, arrived in one of the vehicles to watch the event. Journalists from local newspapers, Reichssender Danzig (the state radio station), and the newsreel company Ufa-Tonwache also came to cover the battle.
At 11:00 German units were reinforced by the Wehrmacht with two 75 mm artillery pieces and a 105 mm howitzer, but the renewed assault, even with the artillery support, was again repulsed. Mortar support was requested from the German forces at Westerplatte, but its inaccurate fire posed a greater threat to the attackers and it soon ceased action.[4] At 15:00 the Germans declared a two-hour ceasefire and demanded that the Polish forces surrender, which they refused. In the meantime, a unit of sappers dug under the walls of the building and prepared a 600 kg explosive device. At 17:00 the bomb was set off, collapsing part of the wall, and German forces under the cover of three artillery pieces attacked again, this time capturing most of the building except the basement.
Frustrated by the Poles' refusal to surrender, Bethke requested a rail car full of gasoline. Danzig's fire department pumped it into the basement, and it was then ignited by a hand grenade. After three Poles were burned alive (bringing the total Polish casualties to six killed in action), the rest decided to capitulate. The first two people to leave the building, director Dr. Jan Michoń, carrying a white flag, and commandant Józef Wąsik, were shot by the Germans. The rest of the Poles were allowed to surrender and leave the burning building. Six people managed to escape from the building, although two of them were captured the following days.
Sixteen wounded prisoners were sent to the Gestapo hospital, where six subsequently died (including the 10-year-old Erwina). The other 28 were first imprisoned in the police building and, after a few days, sent to Victoriaschule, where they were interrogated and tortured. Some 300 to 400 Polish citizens of Danzig were also held there.
All the prisoners were put on trial in front of the martial court of the Wehrmacht's Gruppe Eberhardt. A first group of 28 Victoriaschule-prisoners, with a single Wehrmacht officer as defence lawyer, was tried on 8 September, a second group of 10, who recovered in the hospital, on 30 September. All were sentenced to death as illegal combatants under the German special military penal law of 1938.
The prisoners were mostly executed by firing squad led by SS-Sturmbannführer Max Pauly (later commandant of the Neuengamme concentration camp) on 5 October and buried in a mass grave at the cemetery of Danzig-Saspe (Zaspa)
 The sentence was demanded by the prosecutor Hans Giesecke and declared by presiding judge Kurt Bode, Vice-President of the Oberlandesgericht Danzig (Higher Regional Court of Danzig).
Giesecke and Bode were never held responsible for this episode or held accountable for the executions. They were denazified after the war and continued their careers as lawyers in Germany. Both died of natural causes in the 1970s.

Gdańsk was liberated from Germany by the Polish People's and  Soviet Army on 30 March 1945. The Polish People's Republic made this Monument on December 28, 1969 .

Monument to the Polishness of Gdańsk - a monument commemorating those killed for the Polishness of Gdańsk in the period from the Gdansk slaughter in 1308 to the end of World War II , unveiled on December 28, 1969 from the Polish People's Republic on the square at Podwale Staromiejskie Street . The monument in the shape of concrete blocks decorated with reliefs symbolizing an ax embedded in the ground , was built according to the vision of Wawrzyniec Samp and Wiesław Pietronia.

In May 2008, on the initiative of the Polish Community of Gdańsk and the Society of Friends of Gdańsk , a memorial plaque was unveiled :
"The memory of Gdańsk Poles who died for the Polishness of Gdańsk in German prisons, concentration camps and other places of execution in 1939-1945."
Under the plaque there is a fragment from Song XII of Jan Kochanowski written in golden letters :

"And if anyone has an open road to Heaven - What serves the homeland."

The city of Danzig (Gdańsk) was captured by the State of the Teutonic Order on 13 November 1308 marking the beginning of tensions between Poland and the Teutonic Order. Originally the knights moved into the fortress as an ally of Poland against the Margraviate of Brandenburg. However, after disputes over the control of the city between the Order and the King of Poland arose, the knights murdered a number of citizens within the city and took it as their own. Thus the event is also known as Gdańsk massacre or Gdańsk slaughter (rzeź Gdańska). Though in the past, a matter of debate among historians, a consensus has been established that many people were murdered and a considerable part of the town was destroyed in the context of the take-over.

A Song of the Soldiers of Westerplatte (Polish poet Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński )

When their days had been filled
and it was time to die in the summer,
They went straight to heaven in a coach-and-four,
the soldiers of Westerplatte.

(Summer was beautiful that year.)

They sang: "Ah, it´s nothing
that our wounds were so painful,
for now it is sweet to walk
the heavenly fields."

(On earth that year there was plenty of heather for bouquets.)

In Gdansk we stood like a wall
in defiance of the German offensive,
now we soar among the clouds,
we soldiers of Westerplatte.
Those with keen sense of sight
and sound are said to have heard
in the clouds the measured step
of the Maratime Batallion.

This was the song they heard: "We'll
take advantage of the sunshine
and bask in the warm days
in the heather fields of paradise.

But when the cold wind blows
and sorrow courses the earth,
We'll float down to the center of Warsaw,
The soldiers of Westerplatte." 
The Battle of Westerplatte was the first battle in the Invasion of Poland and marked the start of the Second World War in Europe. Beginning on September 1, 1939, German naval forces and soldiers and Danzig police assaulted the Polish Military Transit Depot (Wojskowa Składnica Tranzytowa, or WST) on the peninsula of Westerplatte, in the harbour of the Free City of Danzig. The Poles held out for seven days in the face of a heavy attack that included dive bomber attacks.

The defense of Westerplatte served as an inspiration for the Polish Army and people in the face of successful German advances elsewhere, and today is still regarded as a symbol of resistance to the invasion.
The construction of the work was initiated by the Council for the Protection of Memory of Combat and Martyrdom in the great time of the Polish People's Republic between 1964 and 1966. 
Decorated with reliefs and inscriptions commemorating the heroic defense of the Polish coast in 1939, with names of water-battles and places of naval battles of the Second World War , in which Polish sailors and soldiers participated, but also places of battles at Lenino and Studzianki , with the inscription "Glory to the liberators" and figures of a sailor and soldier with soviet weapons (pesce) placed on top. Seven candles at the feet refer to the 7 days of Westerplatte defense . According to these explanations, the monument is to symbolize a sword or bayonet with a hilt in the ground.

Museum of Martyrdom of the Zamość Region - Rotunda in Poland.

It was established  in 1947 , the Museum of Martyrdom of the Zamość Region - Rotunda here, in the time of Socialism after the Liberation of Zamosc from Nazi Germany by soldiers of the Soviet Union, polish People's Army and Partisans (Armia Ludowa and Home Army).

That was how Polish People's Republic honored the liberators and the victims of Nazi Germany.
All liberators and soldiers of the Soviet Union, polish People's Army and Partisans (Armia Ludowa and Home Army),  all victims Soviets, Poles, Polish Jews. All of them! 

During World War II, Germans created here a temporary camp for the arrested population, among others groups of intelligence, people connected with the resistance movement . Later, in 1942 , this object was also a place of numerous mass executions, which included until 1943 the population of the Zamość region , including children. As in many other places, the Germans here also covered the traces of their crimes; the ashes of the burned victims were thrown into the moat of the river around Rotunda. It is estimated that about 8,000 people were killed here.

After the end of hostilities and the liberation of the city from German occupation in 1944, a graveyard was created with graves of Rotunda's victims around its walls outside and graves of other victims on both sides of the road leading from the north to its courtyard (ordered in the mid-1950s) : soldiers of the Home Army , Soviet partisans and soldiers of the Red Army , as well as civilians, among others Jews . There are many nameless and symbolic tombs, you can also see collective graves, but commemorating the tragic events.

At the entrance to the courtyard there is a gate with German inscriptions "Gefangenen Durchgangslager Sicherheitspol" ("Jenciecowy Transitional Security Police Camp"), and just behind her on the left, in place of a destroyed cell, a plate commemorating the execution and executions of local prisoners.

Inside, individual targets were devoted to various victims of World War II, not only from the Zamość region, among others there are: Wołyniak's Cell [1] , Scouts' Cell, Cell of Prisoners of Majdanek , Cell of Prisoners of Auschwitz , Teacher's Cell, and many more.

There is a large commemorative plaque in the courtyard - the bodies of the murdered burned in this place. The last prisoners were murdered just before the escape, their bodies burned only partially and are buried around.